Department of Social Medicine, Population, and Public Health
The Department of Social Medicine, Population, and Public Health (SMPPH) is the department that administers the Center for Healthy Communities. The chair is Mark Wolfson, Ph.D., who joined the department in 2019 from the Wake Forest School of Medicine.
The school offers a master in public health degree. Read more about the MPH program here.
For all inquiries regarding the SMPPH, please contact Interim Financial Administrative Officer Isabel Guzman by email or by phone at 951-827-2165.
MPH Program launched in Fall 2024
The UC Riverside School of Medicine is proud to announce our new Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program launched in fall 2024.
The two-year program integrates public health expertise from across UCR’s campus, resulting in an in-depth focus on local to global public health problems and solutions.
Working with local public health leaders, including the Riverside County Public Health Department, the program features a robust curriculum for the community-focused degree program.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of the Department of Social Medicine, Population and Public Health is to engage in multidisciplinary education, research, service, and scholarship on the intersections of medicine and society with population and public health. This includes a focus on the social injustices and inequalities that contribute to poor health, the inclusion of oftentimes excluded voices, and the identification of solutions to address systemic change.